Distinguished Undergraduate Student

Award Category


2020 Distinguished Undergraduate Student Award


Nominated for an outstanding first-author contribution to science via a singular scholarly work (peer-reviewed article, book, book chapter).

Maximum Award Recipients

  • 1 Undergraduate Student
  • 1 Graduate Student (Masters/Ph.D.)
  • 1 Junior Specialist

Nomination/Application instructions:

This award is self-nomination, requiring a statement of research that includes a concluding remark on the broader impacts of the research (1-page maximum, 0.5” margins, 12 pt. font), a 2 page resume/CV, and the relevant scholarly work (when appropriate), sent via email as one all-inclusive PDF file. In addition, applications must arrange to have up to two letters of recommendation sent via email directly from the recommender. Letters of reference cannot be provided by an individual who is receiving a letter of reference from the same individual for a different award (i.e., no quid pro quo). Eligibility: Limited to current students/junior specialists/postdoctoral scholars or those within 18 months of affiliation/appointment with the department.

Note: Submit all materials to awardsLAWR@ucdavis.edu by 5:00 pm (PST) on January 15, 2023. The awards committee reserves the right to nominate individuals for awards, withhold an award when no applications are received, and/or increase the number of awards when applications are equivalent in quality. Individuals can receive more than one award when eligible. Awards will be announced in Spring 2023.

Award Recipients

Jocelyn T RodriguezThe 2020 Distinguished Undergraduate Student Award is awarded to Jocelyn Taylor Rodriguez. Jocelyn is an ecologist and ornithologist in Dr. Rebecca R. Hernandez's Lab and is the newly appointed peer advisor for the Environmental Science and Management major. Jocelyn receives this award owing to her excellence in interdisciplinary research focused on understanding the impacts of novel renewable energy infrastructure on biodiversity. Her ongoing research investigates avian interactions with floating solar arrays on constructed freshwater bodies of water across different biome types.